在快3年多的Scala项目编程中, Akka是我见过的比较高质量的scala库, 其核心抽象是一种基于Actor的编程模型, 同时在这个核心抽象上, 提供一组工具库, 用户只需要按Actor形式写业务逻辑, 框架会帮你处理好底层的消息传递, 高并发和IO问题. Akka在工业场景下, 很接底气, 比如有很多微服务, 服务的性能各有差异, 这时候你需要整合这些微服务, 完成比如广告投放, 在线推荐, 事故检测等业务, Akka的业务抽象就会有很大的用处.
而最近系统看了Akka-HTTP, 我个人比较喜欢这个库在meta-programming方面的应用, akka-http把一个老生常谈的HTTP库实现的很优雅, 设计和抽象值得推敲, 时间有限, 就看了一周, 以下是一些最近对我帮助比较大的总结, 如果以后有空会继续完善
1.Akka HTTP 优势
定位: 用于处理复杂业务的Library, 不是一个MVC Framework(such as Play)
- DSL with convenient pathMatchers
- Streaming: 流式传输, 速率限制
- Interacting with actor easy
- HTTP Module
- HttpRequest
- a method (GET, POST, etc.)
- a URI (see URI model for more information)
- a seq of headers
- an entity (body data): HttpEntity
- HttpEntity类型
- Strict: 消息体小, 内存可放, String or ByteString
- Default: Streaming Data Source, know data size
- Chunked: unknown length
- Multipart.BodyPart: streaming entity, unknown length
- 大小控制: max-content-length
- HttpEntity类型
- a protocol
- HttpResponse
- a status code
- a Seq of headers
- an entity (body data)
- a protocol
- Headers
- content-type: 在HttpEntity中定义
- Content-length
- User-agent: 自动添加
- Date: 自动添加
- Other supporting types and tools:
- Uri, HttpMethods, MediaTypes, StatusCodes, Attributes
- Parsing/Rendering
- HttpRequest
- URI Module
- model, handling special characters
- foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
- scheme://authority/path/query?fragment
- Extract directives
- Uri.query()
- PathDirectives
- model, handling special characters
- Marshalling/Unmarshalling
- Marshalling(Serialization/Pickling): Convert high level object to low level wire format
- Function: A => Future[List[Marshalling[B]]]
- Future: 支持异步
- List: 序列化后的对象, 提供多种格式
- Marshalling[B]: 可以访问MediaType, HttpCharset这些属性; 延迟Marshalling的调用, 执行content negotiation
- 常见的Mashallers
- type ToEntityMarshaller[T] = Marshaller[T, MessageEntity]
- type ToByteStringMarshaller[T] = Marshaller[T, ByteString]
- type ToHeadersAndEntityMarshaller[T] = Marshaller[T, (immutable.Seq[HttpHeader], MessageEntity)]
- type ToResponseMarshaller[T] = Marshaller[T, HttpResponse]
- type ToRequestMarshaller[T] = Marshaller[T, HttpRequest]
- Support Implicit Resolution
- Function: A => Future[List[Marshalling[B]]]
- Unmarshalling(Deserialization)
- From low level MessageEntity to high level type T
- Unmarshaller[A, Future[B]]
- Support implicit resolution
- Sparay-Json support
- Marshalling(Serialization/Pickling): Convert high level object to low level wire format
3.Server API
- High Level: Routing DSL, content negotiation, static content serving
- https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/routing-dsl/index.html
- 设计思路:
- 更可读, 可维护性更好, 可组合, 可扩展的API构建方式
- 以Directives构建Route Tree
- Route Tree可以转换为底层的Flow
- Route的接口定义:
- type Route = RequestContext => Future[RouteResult]
- RequestContext: 提供比HttpRequest更丰富的内容
- RouteResult: 是一个ADT(algebraic data type), 一般从RouteDirectives创建(complete, reject, redirect)
- Composing Route
- transformation: 代理给inner route处理
- filtering: condition and reject
- chaining: concat指令, 构建Route Tree, 不建议使用~符号
- Sealing a route
- 可以返回response的route
- type Route = RequestContext => Future[RouteResult]
- Directives是构建route的核心
- 创建route
- val route: Route = { ctx => ctx.complete(“yeah”) }
- val route: Route = _.complete(“yeah”)
- val route = complete(“yeah”)
- 其他功能
- Transform/Filter/Extract incoming RequestContext
- Chain RouteResult
- Complete a request
- 创建route
- Akka-http: High level functionality, dsl, marshalling/unmarshalling
- Akka-http-core: low level http protocols
- Akka-http-tools
- Akka-http-testkit
- Akka-http2-support
- Akka-http-spray-json
- Akka-http-xml
- 基于akka stream
- Timeout
- Client/Server: IdleTimeout: 链接如果一段时间没有request和response
- Client:
- akka.http.client.connecting-timeout
- akka.http.host-connection-pool.max-connection-lifetime: This timeout configures a maximum amount of time, while the connection can be kept open
- Server:
- akka.http.server.request-timeout 20s
- akka.http.server.bind-timeout
- Linger timeout: server implementation will keep a connection open after all data has been delivered to the network layer
- Caching
- Based on caffeine(https://github.com/ben-manes/caffeine/)
- Design Idea:
- 避免羊群效应
- Cache future
- 应用: Frequency-biased LFU cache